Dream the impossible dream, fight the unbeatable foe, strive with your last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable star.
~ Joe Darion
Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.
~ Helen Keller

In Silver’s memory, the Unmistaken Stars Assistance Dogs are trained to be a beacon of hope for individuals in need of a Service Dog. Unlike many organizations that provide a person with a trained Service Dog, we work with an individual to train his/her own dog (after extensive temperament testing) for service tasks.
By allowing an individuals active participation in the training of their own Assistance Dog, we feel this allows for benefits to the client that often go unrecognized. Caring for the soul as well as the body, the work of a Service Dog goes far beyond providing only physical assistance and it is our hope that by training individuals to train their own Assistance Dog, we will help to create empowered hope in the lives of those who are most deserving.
Our wish for those facing daunting hardships is that hope may always be found within a silver lining. After suffering a severe brain injury from which she was not expected to recover, Andria found the will to overcome and the opportunity for renewed independence with her Assistance Dog, Silver.
Andria was actively involved in the raising and training of Silver through to the final stages of her work as a Seizure Alert Dog and Mobility Assistance Dog. Allowing Andria to participate in Silver’s training profoundly benefited Andria’ s recovery as she gained a sense of accomplishment, and dignity as she realized that despite her limitations she and Silver were capable of accomplishing phenomenal work.

US is proud of the Service/Assistance Dogs Trained at Our Farm Sanctuary